Sleep Disorders
Treating Insomnia in Silicon Valley
What is insomnia?
Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder. A person with insomnia experiences difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, which can last from days to weeks. It is possible that insomnia may be the primary issue, or it may be associated with other medical conditions or medications. Most cases of insomnia are related to poor sleep habits, depression, anxiety, lack of exercise, chronic illness, or certain medications.
What is the importance of sound sleep?
Insomnia leads to daytime exhaustion which causes difficulties with mental acuity, memory function, as well as emotional responses. If a patient is already suffering from certain mental health issues, insomnia can intensify the symptoms. Sleep deprivation also affects the immune system, making the patient more susceptible to other illnesses as well as weight gain, poor cognitive function and increased irritability.
What is the treatment of insomnia?
Dr. Kamis has a strong interest in the study of sleep medicine and has studied with many sleep physicians at Stanford in the treatment of insomnia and other sleep conditions. Additionally, as a psychiatrist specializing in sleep medicine, Dr. Kamis has had extensive training on behavioral changes and sleep hygiene, as well as the psychopharmacology of sleep medications. She has a keen understanding of not only the potential side effects of drugs, but also the unintended consequences of some drug interactions. Dr. Kamis practices cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, the most effective treatment for insomnia. In addition, she provides counseling and coaching on good sleep hygiene and relaxation techniques. She may also encourage lifestyle changes to diet and exercise in order for a patient to improve their sleep architecture.
Dr. Kamis is an insomnia specialist in the Bay Area as well as treats the following sleep disorders:
Delayed sleep phase and shift work types of circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder
Jet Lag/Sleep Optimization
Hypersomnia/Excessive Sleepiness
Restless leg syndrome
Parasomnias- For example, sleepwalking as well as sleep eating
Substance/medication-induced sleep disorder